Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"I Can See Clearly Now..."

So a few months ago Holly started showing some signs that she was having a hard time seeing things. She could see large objects but when it came to reading on a page, she told me she couldn't see. So we got her to the eye doctor and come to find out, far away and up close she sees blurred images. She now rocks some awesome glasses to correct her vision! She goes back in a couple weeks to make sure the prescription doesn't need to change. Way to go Holly on letting us know you couldn't see very well!

Guess we need to plan some major trips back to Disneyland/Disneyworld to see what she missed!

1 comment:

Raising Helm said...

She looks so cute! Oh the days of being a wee thing and having glasses...they are way cuter now BTW. And yes, you need to get back to Disneyland!